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Settori selezionati



ul. gen. Marii Wittek 2
87-100 Toruń
kujawsko-pomorskie, Polonia

  • Tel. +48 (56) 659 17 77
  • Il fax +48 (56) 658 31 19
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Descrizione dell’azienda

Produttore: separatari magnetici, separatori metalli, separatori con corrente turbinante, tamburi magnetici.

Magnetix is a modern company which specialized in designing and produce of magnetic systems, especially magnetic metal separators. Our company has 900 m2 of production area, modern stock of machines for machining and steel cold working and automatic welding machines. We have the biggest Polish magazine of ferrite and neodymium magnets.

Magnetix is a family company employing 25 people, including experienced machine designers and automatic control engineers.

The main producer activity includes production of magnetic and electromagnetic metal separators, eddy current separators for separation non ferrous metals like aluminium,  lifting magnets, magnetic transporters and steel constructions. Our offer also includes metal detectors, inductive and optical sorters. Standard and individual orders are executed in short time. Magnetix separators is a Polish design and know how.

We provide or machines to mining (coal, limestone and other agregate), power plants, cement mills, metallurgical, ceramic, municipal solid waste sorting, recycling and food industry.

We "attract" with quality, timeliness and competitive prices.

Parole chiavi

separatore magnetico elettromagnetico col corrente turbinante dei metalli filtro magnetico tamburo magnetico rivelatore dei metalli magnete di sollevamento magnete elettromagnete riciclaggio metalli Magnetix

Eseguiamo solo le commesse nel settore di

Dettaglio Ingrosso Cerchiamo distributori Possibilità di produzione su contratto

Le direzioni preferite per l’esportazione

Europa, Asia, Africa, Nord America, Sud America, Australia





Additional information

Magnetix is a modern company which specialized in designing and produce of magnetic systems, especially magnetic metal separators. Our company has 900 m2 of production area, modern stock of machines for machining and steel cold working and automatic welding machines. We have the biggest Polish magazine of ferrite and neodymium magnets.

Magnetix is a family company employing 25 people, including experienced machine designers and automatic control engineers.

The main producer activity includes production of magnetic and electromagnetic metal separators, eddy current separators for separation non ferrous metals like aluminium,  lifting magnets, magnetic transporters and steel constructions. Our offer also includes metal detectors, inductive and optical sorters. Standard and individual orders are executed in short time. Magnetix separators is a Polish design and know how.

We provide or machines to mining (coal, limestone and other agregate), power plants, cement mills, metallurgical, ceramic, municipal solid waste sorting, recycling and food industry.

We "attract" with quality, timeliness and competitive prices.

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